what is happening to the honey bees? pdf for kids elementary

It's spring! Forests are xanthous with wattles flowering, fruit trees in backyards and orchards are beginning to bloom and flowerbeds are coming to life subsequently winter.

Bees are pretty excited, too, because flowers are vital for honey making.

Almost of u.s.a. dear honey: spread on toast or added to a hot drink to soothe a scratchy hayfever pharynx from all that flowering going on outdoors.

Have you ever wondered how bees make honey? Kids News did some enquiry.

Honey in a glass jar next to honeycombs media_camera Cheers to bees, we have honey for our toast. Picture: iStock

There are more than twenty,000 bee species around the world, with more than 1700 species native to Australia.

When nosotros remember of honey-making bees we mostly think of European honey bees. Their scientific name is Apis Mellifera.

There are x other known species of beloved bees effectually the world, including the giant honey bee in Nepal and Indonesia and the Eastern honey bee from Southeast Asia.

Some native Australian bees can produce honey likewise.

Pollination media_camera Honey bee on a pea flower, Muogamarra Nature Reserve, NSW.

All bees within a colony* have a particular role. Older worker bees are the ones that fly around out in nature looking for flowers. They fly upward to 5km from the colony, visiting betwixt 50 to 100 flowers each trip.

A colony of bees tin can visit 50 one thousand thousand flowers a day!

Bees piece of work together as a team to decide where the best flowers to visit are, communicating this information with dance moves, noises and bumping into each other.

The bees visiting flowers are collecting nectar, the main ingredient for honey. Nectar is as well bees' main source of free energy.

Bees have a long, strawlike tongue called a proboscis, which they use to suck up nectar from the nectary, the part of a flower that makes nectar.

The nectar travels upward the proboscis and into the bee's dear tummy (as well called a crop), where the complex sugars in the nectar begin to be cleaved down into simpler sugars so that information technology stays in a liquid course. Bees likewise have a regular stomach for the food they eat and digest.

media_camera Honey bees on honeycomb. Some cells are empty and some are filled with honey or bee eggs and capped with wax. Picture: Nathan Edwards

After the worker bee has finished its field trip, it returns to the colony and regurgitates* the simplified nectar to a house bee.

House bees pack the nectar into hexagon-shaped beeswax dearest cells. They and so plow the nectar into honey past drying information technology out by flapping their wings to brand warm wind.

In one case the honey has dried, the house bees put a lid over the dear cell using fresh beeswax. When they need food during the winter, when flowers aren't flowering, they can open up the lids of the honey cells and swallow the honey.

bee media_camera When a bee visits a bloom, it collects nectar and pollen.

OTHER Skilful Work
When a bee visits a flower, it also collects pollen, a powdery substance fabricated by the male parts of plants. For the plant to reproduce* and make fruit and seeds, the pollen needs to reach the female parts of a plant or a split up found that is female. Pollen tin can also movement in the wind, only that's non as accurate as being carried by a bee.

Pollen is as well a good food source for bees.

Bees workers media_camera Bees working on honeycomb cells.

The queen is a female bee that lays eggs and eats. That's all! She is the largest bee in the colony.

House bees are young females 12-17 days one-time that can't reproduce.

Their jobs include cleaning cells ready for re-employ and sealing cells when they're filled with honey or a bee egg. They likewise look after baby bees and feed and clean up after the queen.

Worker bees are center-aged to old females who were formerly house bees. They go out into the world and collect pollen and nectar.

Drones are male bees. Their merely chore is to mate with the queen, although merely 6-viii drones really go to mate with the queen. Worker bees kick the drones out of the colony in autumn.


  • colony: a group of animals or plants living together in one place
  • regurgitate: bring up and spit out something swallowed
  • reproduce: make more of something, such as babies


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  1. What is honey made of? How is it fabricated?
  2. How far will a bee travel from a colony to visit flowers?
  3. What ii things does a bee collect when information technology visits a blossom?
  4. Which kind of bee cleans up afterward the queen?
  5. What is a drone bee?


one. Bee jobs
This story tells us near 4 dissimilar roles that bees could have within the colony. Fold or rule a canvass of paper to divide it into iv sections. Write the proper noun of one of the bee roles at the top of each section. Then nether each role title, write iii-4 dot points near that type of bee and its job. Finish by drawing a funny cartoon movie of each type of bee that shows something about it – for example the business firm bees might be wearing aprons and carrying a feather duster.

Time: let 30 minutes to complete this action
Curriculum Links: English; Scientific discipline; Visual Arts

2. Extension
This story independent a lot of interesting factual information about bees. Before you read it you lot probably already knew some things about bees, and peradventure there were some things that you thought you knew that were actually incorrect, but now you know improve. Read through the article and highlight the three facts that you institute most interesting, that you didn't already know before. Then rewrite the facts in your own words to help you lot call up them.

Time: allow fifteen minutes to complete this activity
Curriculum Links: English; Science

Opener Performance
After reading the commodity, with a partner, highlight all the openers you can find in bluish. Talk over if they are powerful and varied openers or non. Why practice yous think the journalists take used a mix of elementary and ability openers? Would you change any, and why?

Have YOUR SAY: What would you like Kids News to explicate?
No one-word answers. Employ full sentences to explain your thinking. No comments will be published until approved by editors.


Source: https://www.kidsnews.com.au/explainers/how-do-bees-make-honey/news-story/f5c5729b1194443eb94088a5e21a336a

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